Monday, March 24, 2008

Pull up a seat...have a cuppa tea and lets yarn

As you will have gathered, this is a place for people, primarily from New Zealand ( but everyone is welcome ) to come and say high and to share part of what it was like growing up in New Zealand.

Arguably I think I have been privileged to come through my youth in the late 60's and 70's.

Really I suppose I am a child of the 70's as this period encompassed the ages of 15 to 25, which is really our best "Fun Years". Well it was for me at any rate as all I did for a decade was work hard and play even harder. Sadly a goodly number of those who worked and played in this decade are no longer with us.

For various reason, drugs ,alcohol, and cars took a number of my closet friends, but by far the most shocking was to see several of them before they turned 50 cut down by the most insidious disease, Cancer.

As we get older and caught up in the trials of modern life we tend to forget what was cool and fun and that we really need to remember and share some of these experiences.

This morning I read a quote of Bob Dylan's "Treasure your memories and remember them well...because you only get to create them once."