Monday, September 12, 2011

September 2011 .... Featured Photographer

For some time now I have been aware of some of the fine work being done by one of the many members of the Dpreview forums.
Kenn & his wife Temple are dedicated bird & nature photographers. Their work is becoming well known in the photographic world and I asked them to share a few of their images with us. Most or the bird-life in our area is notoriously difficult to photograph as they dont seem to like humans being in their domain. I have for some time been on the photographic trail of a family of native New Zealand Hawks, but to no avail. The closet I get is a couple of hundred meters and then they are off, so this makes me somewhat envious of Kenn and Temples' work. 

This from Kenn & Temple :
About us:
We are Kenn and Temple, backyard birders in St.Louis Missouri USA. We've enjoyed attracting native songbirds to our yard for many years, and began photographing them in 2007 when we had our first mating pair of Eastern Bluebirds. Since then, we have hosted 14 Bluebird nestings and successfully fledged 62 baby Bluebirds from our backyard nestbox. But we're not only about Bluebirds of course. Along the way we've photographed 69 species of songbirds in our backyard habitat and have shared many thousands of photos of them in our Smugmug galleries.

You will find a large collection of excellent photos in their albums at Smugmug including an album devoted to images shot using the Fuji Finepix s100fs a well known and respected camera. Below are a few of my favourites, I'm sure there will be others that you will enjoy viewing as well.

My thanks to Kenn & Temple for allowing us to feature their work.


  1. Hallo. You make so good pictures! It helped me a lot reading and looking at your pictures and you blog. To understand a good camera and to see animals. Im very impressed by the way you made the gallery it is really nice to see the pictures in that way!! Could you tell me a trick to make my blog as cool as yours?

  2. Hi Solveig, and thankyou. I took a quick look at your blog and the first thing that comes to mind is color. Your background color is quite restful, but I think you need to make your text darker and possibly like mine different colors. This makes it easier for people to see new items and important headlines or links. You may find you need to change the background color as well. It took me several tries before I got what I wanted. Now topics and links and other important information stands out well from the other elements on the page, making it easier for people to see what you are displaying. After that its really just a matter of playing with the layout using different templates until you settle on what is pleasing to your eye. Hope that helps a little. Cheers Ralph.

  3. Thank you! My biggets concern was to make the pictures to look good. So Changing the color was a good ideer. Grazie
