Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Using ACR with Photoshop

I use as my main tool Photoscape 3.5 because its very versatile and can do about 85% of the things that other image development programs do. For most of my Post Processing work this is sufficient, but there are times when something more sophisticated is needed. This is when I turn to either CS5 Photoshop or Lightroom 3. Both handle the HS20 RAW & Jpeg files and both use Adobe Camera Ready (ACR6) for preliminary image adjustment.
Kim Letkemen, author of the blog " Nothing Special" has done a short video tutorial on how to manipulate images using ACR6 and Photoshop. This short Tutorial is well worth watching as he adjusts an ISO 3200 low light image taken using his Fuji F550EXR camera, the same sensor as the HS20. If you are the owner of a compact Fuji camera it's well worth visiting his blog as well as those who use Nikon DSLR's as he has a wealth of information available. Our thanks to Kim for allowing us to use this video here.


  1. I use fuji hs20 a few months, I have done over 5000 photos. You helped me a lot with this blog. Proceed with this good work.
    Amateur photographer from Montenegro

  2. Thank you,
    Its always good to know someone is finding something of use.
